There’s a new token in town — and it’s not just another altcoin. Join us for an adventure, as we explore the utilities, functions and services that $CROS holders can enjoy on Cros Network.
In the wake of a new coronavirus variant, and with inflation taking even more permanent highs, it’s only natural that crypto trading has also been gaining more and more popularity across the board, inviting people from all walks of life onto the blockchain. Everyone is looking for a store of value that would protect their earnings — and put them to work to make them grow.
The Cros ecosystem is creating such a transactional economy between organizations and validators, empowered by it’s native value exchange, $CROS. Thanks to this exciting dynamic, as the token utility is further built upon, the community’s wealth will follow suit.
Through Cros, the community will benefit from cross-org collaboration as we redistribute part of the revenue generated in $CROS to the organizations whose business processes are being executed.
Make your money work for you
Now, why should you hold $CROS if you’re not an organization with any business process to execute? As it’s a catalyst for business operations, the Cros Network could also be a catalyst for wealth. By putting your money in $CROS and staking your tokens, you gain access to a more reliable source of passive income that ranges between 5 and 12% in return for simply locking up your funds.
The Cros ecosystem allows an organization to earn value and to spend it on services that are internal to the ecosystem, including cross-org collaboration scenarios for DeFi protocols, NFT marketplaces, gaming platforms, governments, factories… you name it.
A democratic system owned by its users
Both $CROS and it’s holders fuel the Cros ecosystem, and make decentralized cross-org collaboration and integration possible. The network does this by selecting validators from within its community to verify each transaction on the blockchain, creating a democratic system that is in essence owned by $CROS holders. By holding $CROS you have the right to propose and vote on changes to the network’s upgrades including parameters such as: consensus protocol, staking, and liquidity.
You can read more about governance here.